Mix/version images in Laravel 5.4?

2019-05-24 21:38发布


I want to use mix on a set of images. First I copy them:

mix.copy('resources/images', 'public/images');

Then version:


The above does nothing to the images.

I've also tried specifying the path:


But I get a no such file or directory error.

How can I version the images?


version() (without arguments) is not applied to files passed to copy() and copyDirectory().

If you'll look at the source of mix.version you'll see that it expands glob synchronously. But all laravel-mix operations such as copy and version are executed asynchronously. This means that public/images/* is empty because there are no files yet in public directory.

As a workaround you can list files in source directory (from which you copy files, for example resources), replace resources path segment with public and pass this list to version().

In my case I have various assets in resources directory so directory tree looks like:

- resources
  | - css
  | - fonts
  | - images
  | - js
  | - less

I need to copy to public and version all these directories except less which I need to preprocess and also version.

This is like my webpack.mix.js looks like:

const mix = require('laravel-mix'),
    glob = require('glob');


    directoriesToCopy = ['css', 'fonts', 'images', 'js'],
    publicDir = 'public/',
    publicCssDir = publicDir + 'css/',
    resourcesDir = 'resources/',
    resourcesLessDir = resourcesDir + 'less/',
    lessFiles = glob.sync('**/*.less', {cwd: resourcesLessDir});

directoriesToCopy.forEach(d => mix.copyDirectory(resourcesDir + d, publicDir + d));

lessFiles.forEach(f => mix.less(resourcesLessDir + f, publicCssDir + f.slice(0, -'less'.length) + 'css'));

mix.version([].concat(...directoriesToCopy.map(d => glob.sync('**/*', {cwd: resourcesDir + d}).map(f => d + '/' + f))).map(f => publicDir + f));

Basically I use glob to recursively get a list of all files in each copied directory, replace resources with public in their paths and then pass list of all such files to mix.version.