Erlang and Redis: read performance

2019-05-24 21:09发布


I suddenly encountered performance problems when trying to read 1M records from Redis sorted set. I used ZSCAN with cursor and batch size 5K.

Code was executed using Erlang R14 on the same machine that hosts Redis. Receiving of 5K elements batch takes near 1 second. Unfortunately, I failed to compile Erlang R16 on this machine, but I think it does not matter.

For comparison, Node.js code with node_redis (hiredis parser) does 1M in 2 seconds. Same results for Python and PHP.

Maybe I do something wrong?

Thanks in advance.

Here is my Erlang code:


-define(COUNT, 5000).

run() ->
    {_,Conn} = connect_to_redis(),

connect_to_redis() ->
    eredis:start_link("host", 6379, 0, "pass").

read_from_redis(_Conn, 0) ->
read_from_redis(Conn, Cursor) ->
    {ok, [Cursor1|_]} = eredis:q(Conn, ["ZSCAN", "if:push:sset:test", Cursor, "COUNT", ?COUNT]),
    read_from_redis(Conn, Cursor1).

read_from_redis(Conn) ->
    {ok, [Cursor|_]} = eredis:q(Conn, ["ZSCAN", "if:push:sset:test", 0, "COUNT", ?COUNT]),
    read_from_redis(Conn, Cursor).


9 out of 10 times, slowness like this is a result of badly written drivers more than it is a result of the system. In this case, the ability to pipeline requests to Redis is going to be important. A client like redo can do pipelining and is maybe faster.

Also, beware measuring one process/thread only. If you want fast concurrent access, it is often balanced out against fast sequential access.


Switching to redis-erl decreased read time of 1M keys to 16 seconds. Not fast, but acceptable.

Here is new code:


-define(COUNT, 200000).

run() ->
    redis:connect([{ip, "host"}, {port, 6379}, {db, 0}, {pass, "pass"}]),

read_from_redis(<<"0">>) ->
read_from_redis(Cursor) ->
    [{ok, Cursor1}|_] = redis:q(["ZSCAN", "if:push:sset:test", Cursor, "COUNT", ?COUNT]),

read_from_redis() ->
    [{ok, Cursor}|_] = redis:q(["ZSCAN", "if:push:sset:test", 0, "COUNT", ?COUNT]),

标签: erlang redis