What does this mean? “Writable atomic property 

2019-05-24 11:36发布


Possible Duplicate:
error: writable atomic property cannot pair a synthesized setter/getter with a user defined setter/getter

I have a header file where I declare an atomic property, like this:

@property (retain) FileManager *fileManager;

Then I synthesize that in the implementation file:

@synthesize fileManager;

And then I write my own accessor for lazy initialization:

- (FileManager*)fileManager {
    if (fileManager) {
        return fileManager;

    FileManager *fm = [[FileManager alloc] init];
    self.fileManager = fm;
    [fm release];

    return fileManager;

Everything works perfectly and Xcode 3.2 never complained. But Xcode 4 warns:

Writable atomic property 'fileManager' cannot pair a synthesized setter/getter with a user defined setter/getter

When I get that right it is trying to say: "You cannot overwrite synthesized getters/setters like you did the past 3 years, even though it worked perfectly!"

Obviously surpressing warnings is stupid. This property really needs to be thread-safe, and I really want this lazy initialization. What am I supposed to do now?

Edit: According to this question and answer on SO, the @synchronize code is missing here. How would I make this accessor properly thread-safe by hand?

I tried rewriting it to this:

- (FileManager*)fileManager {
    @synchronized(self) {
        if (fileManager) {
            return fileManager;

        FileManager *fm = [[FileManager alloc] init];
        self.fileManager = fm;
        [fm release];

        return fileManager;

But the warning doesn't go away. So when I get the answer of that other question right, the only way to get rid of this warning is to either not customize synthesized atomic property accessors or to omit the @synthesize completely and do it all by hand: The accessor AND the mutator. Of course, this would suck. Is there a better solution to the problem?

What does it mean if I set it to @dynamic fileManager instead of @synthesize fileManager?

Edit: So I tried using @dynamic instead of @synthesize. It really means to implement both accessor and mutator manually. Then why would I even want to declare it as @dynamic at all?


If you declare an @property that is atomic -- the default -- you must either use @dynamic, let the compiler @synthesize everything or provide an implementation of both the setter and getter.


You could use the pattern for lazy initialization illustrated in many of the Apple code examples in past years. There is typically a corresponding local variable, by convention with a leading underscore (_). In the @synthesize statement you assign it to the ivar:

@synthesize fileManager = _fileManager;

and you lazily create the local variable.

-(FileManager) fileManager {
   if (_fileManager != nil) return _fileManager;
   // etc...