Here is my CI form validation rule:
$datetime_string = $this->form_validation->set_rules('event_date', 'Select', 'callback_date_validate');
Here is my callback:
function date_validate($select_value)
$year = '';
$month = '';
$day = '';
$hour = '';
$minutes = '';
$datetime = $this->input->post('event_date');
if (strpos($datetime, ' @ ') !== 'FALSE' && $datetime != '')
$datetime_explode = explode(' @ ', $datetime);
if (strpos($datetime_explode[0], '/') !== 'FALSE' && $datetime_explode != '')
$date_explode = explode('/', $datetime_explode[0]);
$year = $date_explode[2];
$month = $date_explode[1];
$day = $date_explode[0];
if (strpos($datetime_explode[1], ':') !== 'FALSE')
$time_explode = explode(':', $datetime_explode[1]);
$hour = $time_explode[0];
if (strpos($time_explode[1], ' ') !== 'FALSE')
$minutes_explode = explode(' ', $time_explode[1]);
$minutes = $minutes_explode[0];
$am_pm = $minutes_explode[1];
if ($am_pm == 'PM' || $am_pm == 'pm')
$hour += 12;
$datetime_string = $year . '-' . $month . '-' . $day . ' ' . $hour . ':' . $minutes . ':00';
if (!preg_match('/^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2} 2[0-3]|[01][0-9]:[0-5][0-9]:[0-5][0-9]$/', $datetime_string))
$this->form_validation->set_message('date_validate', 'Oops');
else // user picked something
return $datetime_string;
According to the CI documentation, you can return data from a form validation callback, but by setting the rule equal to a variable, I get this error:
Object of class CI_Form_validation could not be converted to string
What am I doing wrong?