TestCafe, CircleCI 2.0 & SauceLabs — can't get

2019-05-24 07:16发布


So -- I can, from my laptop do the following: testcafe "saucelabs:Chrome@70.0:Windows 10" tests/settings/users.js

This will, connect to SauceLabs, to launch the test (or multiple tests, works either way), to hit back against our development server. (IP's have been whitelisted, it all works).

I can also, of course, login to sauce labs, open a "live testing" browser and connect to this environment/login etc.

Thus, the "SauceLabs =-> My environment" is fine.

If I try to run a build on circleci to do exactly this it fails.

In my role I have the following code:

const getPageHTML = ClientFunction(() => document.documentElement.outerHTML);
let value = await getPageHTML();
const pageLink = ClientFunction (() => window.location.href);
value = await pageLink();

This will print out that the entire outerHTML is only


It will print out that the current url is "about:blank"

So, my question.. when running tests, using saucelabs, FROM CIRCLE, would I need to whitelist CIRCLE?

I can't seem to figure out what the functional/execution difference is between running the tests from my laptop vs circle when we are USING saucelabs browsers.

Is the "IP from which the tests are being run" (whitelist ip) circleCI at this point, or saucelabs? I, of course, have been presuming it is saucelabs.

NOTE: I actually was able to just take the testcafe "example.js" test, and get it to run using circle/saucelabs. So this literally has something to do with just running the tests back towards my environment. I'd love to learn more about what the "source ip range" would be if circle is running tests "using" saucelab browsers.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

(just having a very hard time trying to figure out how to debug/triage the issue)


For SauceLabs to exercise an application running within CircleCI containers, you will need to use Sauce's Connect Tunnel since services running inside a CircleCI container are not internet accessible.

CircleCI and SauceLabs partnered to create an "orb" that simplifies the setup of a tunnel. I'm not familiar with TestCafe, but it should solve the connectivity issues.

You can see an example of SauceLabs (though using Maven/Java) in CircleCI here, https://github.com/eddiewebb/demo-blueskygreenbuilds/blob/master/.circleci/config.yml#L17, but basically

  - saucelabs/with_proxy:
      name: "Chrome Tests"
        - "Unit Test"
      tunnel_identifier: chrome
        - maven/with_cache:
              - run: ./mvnw verify -B -Dspring.profiles.active=it -Dsauce.tunnel="chrome" 


You need to use Sauce's Connect Tunnel for connection with CircleCI, as @Eddie mentioned in his answer.

The tested site is protected by proxy settings and SauceLabs is whitelisted. The solution is to add CircleCI to your company's white list.

SauceLab browser ===tunnel(ok)===> Testcafe proxy server (CircleCI) ===firewall(fail)===> Site on your machine