How to get the list of the activities between two baselines in a file in clearcase ucm ?
Cleartool diffbl -lsact -pred latestlable >>activities.txt is the command used .
How to get the list of the activities between two baselines in a file in clearcase ucm ?
Cleartool diffbl -lsact -pred latestlable >>activities.txt is the command used .
Don't forget to add @\yourPVob
, as shown in cleartool list activities since last 7 days.
cleartool diffbl -act -pred baseline:latestlable@\yourPVob
Note: on Unix, this would be @/vobs/yourPVob
It is best to use the baseline selector syntax (see diffbl
baseline-selector is of the form:
and vob is the baseline's UCM project VOB.
Here is an example in python found on
import os
myView = "MyView"
diff_act=os.popen("cleartool setview -exec \"cleartool diffbl -nmerge -activities "+bl_old+" "+ bl_new+" \" " +myView).readlines()
for act in diff_act:
print ("ACTIVITY: "+str(act))
Link: How To Get The List Of All The Activities Comparing UCM baselines