I'm trying to split the following recursive modules into separate compilation units. Specifically, I'd like B to be in its own b.ml, to be able to reuse it with other A's.
module type AT = sig
type b
type t = Foo of b | Bar
val f : t -> b list
module type BT = sig
type a
type t = { aaa: a list; bo: t option }
val g : t -> t list
module rec A : (AT with type b = B.t) = struct
type b = B.t
type t = Foo of b | Bar
let f = function Foo b -> [ b ] | Bar -> []
and B : (BT with type a = A.t) = struct
type a = A.t
type t = { aaa: a list; bo: t option }
let g b =
let ss = List.flatten (List.map A.f b.aaa) in
match b.bo with
| Some b' -> b' :: ss
| None -> ss
let a = A.Bar;;
let b = B.({ aaa = [a]; bo = None });;
let c = A.Foo b;;
let d = B.({ aaa = [a;c]; bo = Some b });;
I can't figure out how to split it across units.
The following sentence from Xavier Leroy's paper on the topic gives me hope that it's possible to encode using OCaml's module syntax: "the proposal does not support recursion between compilation units. The latter can however be encoded using separately-compiled functors, whose fix-point is taken later using the module rec construct".
I've played around with module rec but can't seem to find a way to make it type-check. The use of A's function f inside B's function g seems to cause the trouble.
(For the context, in the original code A.t is an instruction type, and B.t is a basic block type. Branch instructions reference blocks, and blocks contain lists of instructions. I'd like to reuse the basic block type and associated functions with different instruction sets.)
I think the paper is referring to something like this:
(* a.ml *)
module F (X : sig val x : 'a -> 'a end) =
let y s = X.x s
(* b.ml *)
module F (Y : sig val y : 'a -> 'a end) =
(* Can use Y.y s instead to get infinite loop. *)
let x s = Y.y |> ignore; s
(* c.ml *)
module rec A' : sig val y : 'a -> 'a end = A.F (B')
and B' : sig val x : 'a -> 'a end = B.F (A')
let () =
A'.y "hello" |> print_endline;
B'.x "world" |> print_endline
Running this (ocamlc a.ml b.ml c.ml && ./a.out
) prints
Obviously, the definitions of A
and B
I used are nonsense, but you should be able to substitute your own definitions into this pattern, as well as use named signatures instead of writing them out literally like I did.
The following seems to work, although it is rather ugly.
(* asig.mli *)
module type AT = sig
type b
type b' (* b = b' will be enforced externally *)
type t
val f : t -> b' list
(* bsig.mli *)
module type BT = sig
type a
type b' (* t = b' will be enforced externally *)
type t = { aaa: a list; bo: b' option }
val g : t -> b' list
(* b.ml *)
open Asig
module MakeB(A : AT) = struct
type a = A.t
type t = { aaa: a list; bo: A.b' option }
type b' = A.b'
let g b =
let ss = List.flatten (List.map A.f b.aaa) in
match b.bo with
| Some b' -> b' :: ss
| None -> ss
(* a.ml *)
open Asig
open Bsig
module type ASigFull = sig
type b
type b'
type t = Foo of b | Bar
val f : t -> b' list
module type BMAKER = functor (A : AT) -> (BT with type a = A.t
and type b' = A.b')
module MakeAB(MakeB : BMAKER) = struct
module rec B1 : (BT with type a = A1.t
and type b' = A1.b') = MakeB(A1)
and A1 : (ASigFull with type b = B1.t
and type b' = B1.t) = struct
type b = B1.t
type b' = b
type t = Foo of b | Bar
let f = function Foo b -> [ b ] | Bar -> []
module A = (A1 : ASigFull with type t = A1.t and type b = B1.t and type b' := B1.t)
module B = (B1 : BT with type t = B1.t and type a = A1.t and type b' := B1.t)
module AB = MakeAB(B.MakeB)
module A = AB.A
module B = AB.B
let a = A.Bar;;
let b = B.({ aaa = [a]; bo = None });;
let c = A.Foo b;;
let d = B.({ aaa = [a;c]; bo = Some b });;