I have created a Database class as so:
class Database {
static let instance = Database()
private let categories = Table("Category")
private var db: Connection?
let cat_id = Expression<String>("id")
let cat_name = Expression<String>("name")
private init() {
let path = NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(
.documentDirectory, .userDomainMask, true
do {
db = try Connection("\(path)/SalesPresenterDatabase.sqlite3")
} catch {
func createTable() {
try self.db!.run(self.categories.create(ifNotExists: true) { table in
func addRow(table: DBTableNames, object: [Any]) -> Int64? {
do {
try self.db!.transaction() {
for obj in object{
if table.rawValue == DBTableNames.Category.rawValue{
let cats : CategoryObject = obj as! CategoryObject
let insert = self.categories.insert(self.cat_id <- cats.id,
self.cat_name <- cats.name)
try self.db!.run(insert)
print("Insert failed \(error)")
return -1
return 1
I then go on to call my code to add a row by running the following:
let returnValue = Database.instance.addRow(table: DBTableNames(rawValue: entity)!,
object: databaseObject)
The problem I have is that it always throws an error saying:
Insert failed The operation couldn’t be completed. (SQLite.Result error 0.) and full: cannot rollback - no transaction is active (code: 1)
If I see this error one more time my Mac will be going out of the window!
The whole operation is in a background thread but I have tried the following as well:
let returnValue = Database.instance.addRow(table: DBTableNames(rawValue: entity)!,
object: databaseObject)
It didn't work. It doesn't make sense as I also tried creating the tables in a transaction and that worked perfectly.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!