In a Maven project, I have directory, which I need the content from..
|- dealo
|- css
|- images
|- js
|- blog
|- static
And I want to copy the content of static directory to its parent directory as
|- dealo
|- css
|- images
|- js
|- blog
One solution is to give name of the folder like this:
<copy todir="${basedir}/target/vstatic/dealo">
<fileset dir="${basedir}/target/webapp-SNAPSHOT/WEB-INF/vendorspace/dealo/static/" includes="**/*" />
<copy todir="${basedir}/target/vstatic/blog">
<fileset dir="${basedir}/target/webapp-SNAPSHOT/WEB-INF/vendorspace/blog/static/" includes="**/*" />
but I have 10's of those folders and it will grow in future so don't want to give hard-coded name
Related question: Maven : copy files without subdirectory structure but it is copying only files, I need to copy the sub-directories inside "static" directory with its content