Jasmine unit test for angular service In controlle

2019-05-23 13:43发布


I'm new to jasmine framework. I've gone through some tutorials and learned and started writing unit tests. 'facing one issue here is the description. I have a controller where i can invoke a service call to get the data. See the code below.

$scope.getEmpInfo = function() {
     .then(function(data) {
        $scope.empData  = data;
     }, function(reason) {
        //do nothing

Now, i want to write a unit test for the above method. Im able to make a spy on serice using promise but i wasnt able to spy $scope.populateEmpData(). here is my test case.

    describe('Emp data', function() {
       var d, scope;
       beforeEach(function() {
       describe('empcontroller', function() {
          beforeEach(inject(function($q,_EmpService_, $controller,$rootScope){
              d = $q.defer();
              empService = _EmpService_;
              scope = $rootScope.$new();
              empCtrl = $controller("empController", {
                $scope: scope,
         it('should get the Employee information ', function() {
                //Here im getting the error.


Please help resolve this issue. Thanks in advance.


It's because you are not resolving promise. You will have to make change in spyOn.

 - spyOn(empService,"getInfo").and.callFake(function() {
            return {
                  then : function(success, error) {
         } }

Now, it will go into the success callback and will try to call $scope.populateEmpData();


You're never resolving your promise. And you need to call $scope.$apply().

Why is this necessary? Because any promises made with the $q service to be resolved/rejected are processed upon each run of angular’s digest cycle. Conceptually, the call to .resolve changes the state of the promise and adds it to a queue. Each time angular’s digest cycle runs, any outstanding promises will be processed and removed from the queue. Unit Testing with $q Promises in AngularJS

Check it out above link it will help you.