I would like to figure out how to use Postgres' (9.2) row_to_json with SqlAlchemy. However I haven't been able to come up with any working syntax.
details_foo_row_q = select([Foo.*]
).where(Foo.bar_id == Bar.id
details_foo_q = select([
]).where(details_foo_row_q.c.bar_id == Bar.id
I would ideally like to not to have to type out each and every field from the table model if possible.
Got the answer from 'mn':
It should be something more like this:
details_foo_row_q = select([Foo]).where(Foo.bar_id == Bar.id).alias('details_foo_row_q')
details_foo_q = select([
details_foo_row_q.c.bar_id == Bar.id
Thank you mn, works great!