I have a question concerning two parameters in CalcOpticalFlowPyrLK() class.Here is the link of the documentation:
The first parameter is the "err". In the documentation this is defined as the tracking error of it's feature, but they don't give any details. Error in respect of what?
Secondly the parameter "status".They define it as the state if a corresponding feature is found(1) or not(0). I have cases that the error of the tracking for a specific feature is low and the status is "not found=0" for this feature.I have also the opposite case.
Is there any connection between those two? I try to detect eye blink.Obviously the feature i have in the cornea of the eye(glints) are not there when the eye is closed.But still for this frame the state remains 1(found) but the error explodes. Eg I have frame t and i try to track the feature in frame t+1.In frame t all the features are there.In frame t+1 the features are gone(eye blink) but the status is still 1.