I have linked up an app that I have made to an Firebase database.
The app sends Firebase the time as a timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate
when a button is pressed. An example of the value is - 498898978852.928.
I want this number to distinguish wether the user has pressed that same button more less than 48 hours ago.
Is there a way to measure the time period of 48 hours or should I use a different method?
I am using swift 2 and Xcode 7!
Swift 3. If you are using Swift 2, use NSDate
//the first button press, this is a double but assume it's a timeInterval
let firstPress = 498898978.928
let date = Date()
let secondPress = date.timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate //the second button press
let diffInSeconds = secondPress - firstPress //total time difference in seconds
let hours = diffInSeconds/60/60 //hours=diff in seconds / 60 sec per min / 60 min per hour
if hours < 48 {
print("less then 48 hours difference")
} else {
print("greater/equal to 48 hours difference")
You are using unix timeStamp*1000 which when casted to Int is used as a timestamp, but since you are going to use it for time manipulations. use this to store your timestamp:-
let timeStamp = NSDate.timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate // Like this only
Make an extension of NSDate outside your class scope
extension NSDate {
func daysFromTheDate(date: NSDate) -> Int {
return NSCalendar.currentCalendar().components(.Day, fromDate: date, toDate: self, options: []).day
class yourViewController : UIViewController,.. {
let date1 = NSDate() // Declare the variable globally
Then in your .observe event firebase function use this: -
var retrieved_timeStamp = ... // timeStamp that you retrieve from firebase
var date = NSDate(timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate: timeInterval(retrieved_timeStamp))
print(date1.daysFromTheDate(from: date as NSDate))
Check Condition
if date1.daysFromTheDate(from: date as NSDate) >= 2{
//48 or more hours have passed now, Do the Job. Bingo!..
For further date manipulation look up :- Difference between two NSDates