
Calling overridden methods in JavaScript

2019-05-23 02:09发布


i tried to find a way to call overridden method of superclass in JS and got this.

function A() {
    this.superclass = new Array(A.prototype);
A.prototype.call_method = function(method, args, pos) {
    if (!(pos >= 0)) pos = this.superclass.length - 1;
    while (!this.superclass[pos].hasOwnProperty(method)) if ((--pos) < 0) return;
    if (this.superclass[pos][method]) this.superclass[pos][method].apply(this, args);
    if (pos) this.call_method(method, args, pos - 1);
A.prototype.add = function() {
A.prototype.test = function(a, b, c) {
    alert("test of A ");

function B() {
B.prototype = new A();
B.prototype.constructor = B;
B.prototype.test1 = function(a, b, c) {
    alert("test of B ");

function C() {
C.prototype = new B();
C.prototype.constructor = C;
C.prototype.test = function(a, b, c) {
    alert("test of C");

var aa = new C();
aa.call_method("test", [1, 2, 3]);

What do You think, is it ok ? Or maybe it can produce 'memory leaks' (reference to own prototype)? Thanks a lot

Thank You for your reply, i tried Your code out . But if I subclass SubClass, for examle var a= SubClass1(), ( SubClass1 has its own foo())

and call a.foo(), then only SubClass1 and BaseClass foo's will be called,

not SubClass foo() Code:

function BaseClass() { } BaseClass.prototype.foo = function() {     
  alert('called BaseClass.foo'); 
SubClass = function() { }; 
SubClass.prototype = new BaseClass; 
SubClass.prototype.foo = function() {     
    alert('called SubClass.foo');      
    // calling super.foo();   
SubClass1 = function() { }; 
SubClass1.prototype = new SubClass; 
SubClass1.prototype.foo = function() {     
    alert('called SubClass1.foo');      
    // calling super.foo();   
var a=new SubClass1();



You can use a property to store the class' parent and call methods directly on the parent class:

function BaseClass() {
BaseClass.prototype.foo = function() {
    console.log('called BaseClass.foo');

SubClass = function() {
SubClass.prototype = new BaseClass;
SubClass.prototype.__super__ = BaseClass;
SubClass.prototype.foo = function() {
    console.log('called SubClass.foo');

    // calling super.foo();

You can add a little abstraction:

// The `clazz` parameter allows super-classes to use super() too.
// It should be the calling class
BaseClass.prototype.super = function(clazz, functionName) {
    // take all the arguments after functionName
    var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 2);
    // call the function on super's prototype
    clazz.prototype.__super__.prototype[functionName].apply(this, args);

You can use it like this:

SubClass.prototype.foo = function() {
    console.log('called SubClass.foo');

    // calling super.foo();
    // Pass the calling class as first parameter
    this.super(SubClass, 'foo');

Try it here: http://jsfiddle.net/ZWZP6/2/

In CoffeeScript

In coffee script you can use the super()[docs] construct:

class BaseClass
    foo: -> console.log('called BaseClass.foo')

class SubClass extends BaseClass
    foo: ->
        console.log('called SubClass.foo')