I am working on an app which is able to add shortcuts icons to the homescreen.
What is the correct icon size for Android tablets? (Or better said, how to get it at runtime?) It seems to differ from what is written on this page.
I have switch on DisplayMetrics.densityDpi and change the icon size accordingly. But it does not work for all devices..Gnex seems to be ok, but my Galaxy Tab while beeing DisplayMetrics.DENSITY_MEDIUM
device displays only 48x48px icon (as it is in guidelines), but usual launcher icons are 72x72 pixels and not 48x48 - it differs from guidelines? Is it possible that it is related to TouchWiz UI and thus it differs from pure Android? Or where is the problem? Also good to note, that apps itself displays correct launcher icon (it takes the icon from hdpi folder), but at runtime it looks like it is mdpi device:/
Android tablets looks one bucket up, when looking for launcher icon..That means mdpi
device will actually look into hdpi
This code returns correct size for launcher icons
ActivityManager am = (ActivityManager) getSystemService(Context.ACTIVITY_SERVICE);
int iconSize = am.getLauncherLargeIconSize();
Answer is based on this g+ post by Nick Butcher
best thing you use the android assets studio tool for this task .
it will automatically create the correct sizes and put them in the correct folders .