I am taking over a Cordova/Ionic project. I've never worked with Cordova or Ionic before, so I am complete beginner in that area. However, I have worked with Node, on and off, for a few years, so I mostly know about that.
A simple starting task, I need to add Appsee:
This part was easy:
In case you're using TypeScript (default in ionic 2 and ionic 3) place the following line under the imports:
declare var Appsee:any;
Which I put in this file:
But this part is less obvious:
Call the following method when your app starts, preferably when the deviceready event fires:
Appsee.start("YOUR API KEY");
So I ran grep to find out where deviceready is:
grep -iR "deviceready" * | grep -v node_modules
www/build/vendor.js: * resolve when Cordova triggers the `deviceready` event.
www/build/vendor.js: // prepare a custom "ready" for cordova "deviceready"
www/build/vendor.js: doc.addEventListener('deviceready', function () {
www/build/vendor.js: // 3) cordova deviceready event triggered
www/build/vendor.js: var deviceReady = new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
www/build/vendor.js: document.addEventListener("deviceready", function () {
www/build/vendor.js: var deviceReadyDone = deviceReady.catch(function () {
www/build/vendor.js: return deviceReadyDone.then(function () {
www/build/vendor.js: document.addEventListener('deviceready', function () {
www/build/vendor.js: console.log("Ionic Native: deviceready event fired after " + (Date.now() - before) + " ms");
www/build/vendor.js: console.warn("Ionic Native: deviceready did not fire within " + DEVICE_READY_TIMEOUT + "ms. This can happen when plugins are in an inconsistent state. Try removing plugins from plugins/ and reinstalling them.");
So I only see "deviceready" inside the build
folder. I think I'm supposed to avoid editing anything inside of build
? Isn't that full of stuff that's generated by Ionic/Cordova?
Where do I register something with deviceready?
If I run:
ionic info
I get:
[WARN] Detected locally installed Ionic CLI, but it's too old--using global CLI.
cli packages: (/usr/local/lib/node_modules)
@ionic/cli-utils : 1.19.2
ionic (Ionic CLI) : 3.20.0
global packages:
cordova (Cordova CLI) : 8.0.0
local packages:
@ionic/app-scripts : 2.1.4
Cordova Platforms : none
Ionic Framework : ionic-angular 3.6.0
ios-deploy : 1.9.2
Node : v6.5.0
npm : 3.10.3
OS : OS X El Capitan
Xcode : Xcode 7.3.1 Build version 7D1014
Environment Variables:
ANDROID_HOME : not set
backend : pro
I'm happy to follow directions from elsewhere.