I'm using mvvmcross binding in a MvxTableViewCell, the cell elements are an UIImageView and 2 labels.
These "rows"/cells will list a set of predefined elements, the image of these elements are png files that exist inside the Resources directory (bundle resource) or at any place on the internet.
Since I might have this mix of images that exist in the bundle and on the internet I would like to use MvxImageViewLoader.
The view model has a list of objects that contain a property that is the image uri, for the resource images I tried several solutions: - NSBundle.MainBundle.ResourcePath+"/xpto.png" - "file://" + NSBundle.MainBundle.ResourcePath+"/xpto.png"
All the images that are located in the internet work without any problem.
Is it possible to use MvxImageViewLoader to load images that exist in the resource folder? Should I use a converter?
Thanks for your help,
Luis Pinho