My single-argument function outputs a dataframe
myfun <-function(x) {mtcars %>%
filter_(x) %>%
group_by(cyl) %>%
summarise(mean(disp), mean(drat)) %>%
When feeding a single-argument into this function, it outputs, as expected, a dataframe:
cyl mean(disp) mean(drat) group
4 105 4.07 mpg>15
6 183 3.59 mpg>15
8 105 3.20 mpg>15
How to apply such a function to a list of arguments so that the output is one dataframe combining all the results over the list. For example, I'd like to apply myfun to a list
c('mpg>15', 'drat>4.2')
and, as the result, to obtain a single dataframe:
cyl mean(disp) mean(drat) group
4 105 4.07 mpg>15
6 183 3.59 mpg>15
8 105 3.20 mpg>15
4 89 4.53 drat>4.2
8 351 4.22 drat>4.2
How to do that (preferably within tidyverse)?