Log4j is not reliable as per the following faq:
"No. log4j is not reliable. It is a best-effort fail-stop logging system."
Is Logback more reliable? Is it possible that when 1000 log messages (for example) are written using logback in a very short span of time, it might silently miss a few messages.
I think that Logback is also a best-effort fail-stop logging system. Run this snippet:
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
System.out.println("log " + i);
logger.info("log {}", i);
with a FileAppender
<appender name="file" class="ch.qos.logback.core.FileAppender">
<pattern>%d [%thread] %level %mdc %logger{35} - %msg%n</pattern>
on a disk which has no free space. Then it runs without any errors. A few seconds later I've deleted some files from the disk.
The contents of the testlog.log
file was that:
2011-10-07 08:19:01,687 [main] INFO logbacktest.LoopLog - log 5
2011-10-07 08:19:03,688 [main] INFO logbacktest.LoopLog - log 6
2011-10-07 08:19:05,688 [main] INFO logbacktest.LoopLog - log 7
There is no log 0
- log 4
lines in the file. I wouldn't think that other appenders more reliable.
In normal operating conditions (e.g. system has enough disk space) I've never seen that Logback lost a message. In that meaning I think it's reliable. But if you want to do audit logging I think you should use something else, not a best-effort fail-stop logging system. (If an attacker found a way to disable the logging by filling the disk space he can do everything on the user interface without any audit log and notice that the disk was full.)