I am using python code (with python nested dicts) to write out a DOT file for GraphViz to draw my directed edge-weighted graph, thanks to DAWG's suggestions...
nestedg={1: {2: 3, 3: 8, 5: -4},
2: {4: 1, 5: 7},
3: {2: 0.09},
4: {1: 2, 3: -5},
5: {4: 6}}
with open('/tmp/graph.dot','w') as out:
for line in ('digraph G {','size="16,16";','splines=true;'):
for start,d in nestedg.items():
for end,weight in d.items():
out.write('{} -> {} [ label="{}" ];\n'.format(start,end,weight))
Which produces this .DOT file, from which GraphViz can produce a nice graph image:
digraph G {
1 -> 2 [ label="3" ];
1 -> 3 [ label="8" ];
1 -> 5 [ label="-4" ];
2 -> 4 [ label="1" ];
2 -> 5 [ label="7" ];
3 -> 2 [ label="0.09" ];
4 -> 1 [ label="2" ];
4 -> 3 [ label="-5" ];
5 -> 4 [ label="6" ];
QUESTION: How can I change this python code to ask GraphViz to color an edge RED if its weight is less than a specific number (e.g., 0.5), such as the edge from node 3 to 2 (with a weight of 0.09)? And more generally is there a good place to learn much more about how to write python code to create all kinds of DOT files for GraphViz, and to see good examples? Thanks Tom99