I'm sending via HTTP Post Request a Json to my Playframework backend.
In my backend I validate the Json to a Model. After that, I want to save the entries in my Model to my DB.
def parseJSON: Action[AnyContent] = Action.async {
request =>
Future {
request.body.asJson.map(_.validate[MyModel] match {
case JsSuccess(items, _) =>
case JsError(err) =>
BadRequest("Json Parse Error")
One Item consists out of several objects. To save all objects to my DB, I need to get some values. Therefore I'm using a for(..) yield(...):
def saveItems(items: MyModel) = {
items.SomeObject.map(obj => {
if (obj.value1.isDefined &&
obj.value2.isDefined ) {
val result = for (
value1Exists <- value1DTO.checkExists(obj.value1.name);
value1Entry <- getOrCreateValue1(value1Exists, obj);
value2Exists <- value2DTO.checkExists(obj.value2.name);
value2Entry <- getOrCreateValue2(value1Exists, obj)
) yield(value1Entry, value2Entry)
case (value1Entry, value2Entry) => {
insertAllValue3(value1Entry, value2Entry)
case _ => Future.failed(new Exception("Not all entries defined"))
else {
Future.successful("Not all objects defined - skipping")
My problem is, after all result.map({...})
have started, my parseJSON Action returns 200 - OK
. But not all relevant items get stored to my DB. It seems like after the 200 - OK
everything is stopped and it doesn't even throw an error.
I don't want to use Await.result or anything blocking in my Action.
Thanks in Advance