I'm using the garb gem to pull some basic stats, like pageviews, from Google Analytics. Everything's working correctly but I can't figure out the best way to test my API calls. Here's a paired down version of my Analytics class:
class Analytics
extend Garb::Model
metrics :pageviews
dimensions :page_path
Username = 'username'
Password = 'password'
WebPropertyId = 'XX-XXXXXXX-X'
# Start a session with google analytics.
Garb::Session.login(Username, Password)
# Find the correct web property.
Property = Garb::Management::Profile.all.detect {|p| p.web_property_id == WebPropertyId}
# Returns the nubmer of pageviews for a given page.
def self.pageviews(path)
Analytics.results(Property, :filters => {:page_path.eql => path}).first.pageviews.to_i
# ... a bunch of other methods to pull stats from google analytics ...
Pretty simple. But beyond ensuring that the constants are set, I haven't been able to write effective tests. What's the best way to test something like this? Here are some of the problems:
- I'd prefer not to actually hit the API in my tests. It's slow and requires an internet connection.
- The stats obviously change all the time, making it difficult to set an expectation even if I do hit the API when testing.
I think I want a mock class? But I've never used that pattern before. Any help would be awesome, even just some links to get me on the right path.