How to make object move in js?

2019-05-22 14:22发布


I'm trying to learn object oriented programming in javascript so I try to make a simple game. I would like to make a character that moves. There is the code in js:

  function move(event)
var k=event.keyCode; 

var chr = {

    updown : function (){
            var y=0;
            if (k==38) 
            }else if (k==40)
            return y; 

    leftright : function (){
        var x=0;
        if (k==37) 
        }else if (k==39) 
        return x; 

    }; = (chr.updown())+"px"; = (chr.leftright())+"px";



    <!DOCTYPE html>

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="jumpOPP.css">
<script src="jumpOPP.js"></script>

<body  onkeydown="move(event)">
<img id="chrId" src="TrackingDot.png" >


and CSS:

#chrId {
    position: relative;
    top: 0px;
    left: 0px;

When I press and hold up, down, left, right the dot moves only for a one place. How to make it moving whole time I' m holding some key. I have made it without var char to move. I used function move(event) and then a switch, cases 38, 37, 39 and 40 and then it change but I can't make it in one object.

Is it possible to make a object chr = {objekt movement, life, power...} and then a object ground = {some code that stops the chr} and other interacting objects ? Can somebody recomend a good tutorial for that? :) Thank you


Here working jsfiddle -

You error in define local variables in scopes that always will equal to 0. So for fix that, you must get current left and top of element, not define x = 0 and y = 0.

function move(event) {
var k = event.keyCode,
    chrId = document.getElementById('test'),
    chr = {
        updown: function () {
            var y = parseInt(getComputedStyle(chrId).top);
            if (k == 38) {
            } else if (k == 40) {

            return y;

        leftright: function () {
            var x = parseInt(getComputedStyle(chrId).left);
            if (k == 37) {
            } else if (k == 39) {

            return x;
    }; = (chr.updown()) + "px"; = (chr.leftright()) + "px";

document.addEventListener('keydown', move);


I would recommend that you use the <canvas> element for stuff like this. But use window.setInterval(function, milliseconds) to have it repeatedly run your 'move' function and then when a key is released, window.onkeyup clear that interval.


This requires you to make a new event listener. Instead of having your event listener in body, use:

window.onkeydown = function(event) {
    var k = event.which || event.keyCode;  // This adds compatibilty across all browsers
    // Code to be run


I know that you are looking for the function in an object, but moving an element is really quick and easy with this, I just made this today for my beginners game:

var change = (parseInt('%',''),10) + 3).toString() + "%" = change

The % signs can be replaced with 'px' if you are using pixel values to move, and the ' + 3 ' is how many pixels or percentage points you want your element to move per execution.

The same can be done for up by changing the 'left' to 'top'.


My code might not be to your liking, but I'm just trying to demonstrate how I work around this problem, I am positively sure that there are hundreds of better ways, but this one seems to save me a lot of trouble for a lot of other stuff.

Hope I was able understand the question and help though, sorry if I couldn't :)

<!DOCTYPE html>

<meta charset = "utf-8">
<title> MOVEMENT </title>

<script type = "text/javascript">
// VARIABLES are set here so they're GLOBAL (everything may access them)

let lock_left = true
let lock_top = true
let lock_right = true
let lock_bottom = true


let html; let htmls
let body; let bodys
let avatar; let avatars


let avatar_x = 0
let avatar_y = 0

// EVERY map will be an object, and every object needs a CREATE function that
// will happen only ONCE and an UPDATE function that will repeat itself

const map_main =
    create: function()
            html = document.querySelector( "html" ); htmls =
            body = document.querySelector( "body" ); bodys =


    update: function()
            htmls.width = "100%"
            htmls.height = "100%"
            htmls.margin = "0"

            bodys.width = "100%"
            bodys.height = "100%"
            bodys.margin = "0"

            bodys.backgroundColor = "rgb( 120, 200, 80 )"


const map_avatar =
    create: function()
            avatar = document.createElement( "div" ); avatars =
            body.appendChild( avatar )


    update: function()
            avatars.width = "64px"
            avatars.height = "64px"
            avatars.backgroundColor = "rgb( 200, 80, 120 )"

            avatars.position = "absolute"
   = avatar_y + "px"
            avatars.left = avatar_x + "px"

// BELOW are the 2 main gears of the engine

// EVERY code that only needs to happen once is called here
const master_create = function()


// EVERYTHING that needs constant updates is called here
const master_update = function()


    window.requestAnimationFrame( master_update )

// BELOW is showing how the keyboard affects the locks

const press = function( pressed )
    if( pressed.keyCode === 37 || pressed.keyCode === 69 ) lock_left = false
    if( pressed.keyCode === 38 || pressed.keyCode === 82 ) lock_top = false
    if( pressed.keyCode === 39 || pressed.keyCode === 70 ) lock_right = false
    if( pressed.keyCode === 40 || pressed.keyCode === 68 ) lock_bottom = false


const release = function( released )
    if( released.keyCode === 37 || released.keyCode === 69 ) lock_left = true
    if( released.keyCode === 38 || released.keyCode === 82 ) lock_top = true
    if( released.keyCode === 39 || released.keyCode === 70 ) lock_right = true
    if( released.keyCode === 40 || released.keyCode === 68 ) lock_bottom = true

// BELOW will check the LOCKS and use them to change AVATAR_X and AVATAR_Y

const movement = function()
    if( lock_left === false ) avatar_x -= 10
    if( lock_top === false ) avatar_y -= 10
    if( lock_right === false ) avatar_x += 10
    if( lock_bottom === false ) avatar_y += 10

// BELOW we call the 2 gears and everything will work

master_create() // will be called only ONCE
master_update() // will repeat forever due to "window.requestAnimationFrame()"

// LISTENERS should go after the engine starts rolling

body.addEventListener( "keydown", press, false )
body.addEventListener( "keyup", release, false )

