
groovy Print path and value of elements in xml

2019-05-22 10:55发布


I have the following xml:


I want to print these values as path:value as shown below.

list/cars/model : 2012
list/cars/make : GM

How can I achieve this? I tried the name() method but it only prints the name of child item. I want to print the whole path till the element.

I can only use xmlSlurper parser to do this.



import groovy.util.XmlSlurper
import groovy.util.slurpersupport.NodeChild;
def rootNode = new XmlSlurper().parseText('<root><one a1="uno!"/><two>Some text!</two></root>' )

def printMap 
printMap = {node, path->
     if(node.getClass() == NodeChild){
           printMap(it, (path ? path + "/" : "") + node.name())
     } else {
        println "${path}/${node.name()}:${node.text()}"
 printMap(rootNode, "")


def xml = '''

def item = new XmlSlurper().parseText(xml)

item.'**'.inject([]) { acc, val ->
    def localText = val.localText()
    acc << val.name()

    if( localText ) {
        println "${acc.join('/')} : ${localText.join(',')}"
        acc = acc.dropRight(1) // or acc = acc[0..-2]

This would print as required. Above is using a depthFirst() search on the tree and using inject (just not to mutate any other list) and looks for localText(). If localText() is encountered indicating the value of the leaf node, then print the path and the value. The path has been accumulated in a list which was used in inject. A simple join() would give the required format.

Above has been tested successfully in Groovy 2.4.5. If localText() is not available in NodeChild then a version of Groovy older than 2.3.0 would be reason because that method has been added since 2.3.0