I have a question about capistrano version 3.2.1. In my deploy.rb file I'm using the following line:
set :theme_path, "#{release_path}/web/app/themes/myproject"
The variable release_path is not showing to latest release folder, lets say 201409151420 as it should, but it is pointing to folder current, so the output is:
DEBUG[68031037] Command: cd /var/www/myproject/current/web/app/themes/myproject && ( WP_ENV=staging /usr/bin/env npm install --silent )
The output should be:
DEBUG[68031037] Command: cd /var/www/myproject/201409151420/web/app/themes/myproject && ( WP_ENV=staging /usr/bin/env npm install --silent )
Does anyone know, why the release_path variable isn't showing to the proper folder?
Thank you for your help.