I'm trying to setup a file upload through rest for large files. The function below is taking care of chunking but I need to be able to recognize the last chunk because my rest call changes to /finishUpload()
in order to commit the save.
Right now I'm only able to figure out when the blob is empty but I can't figure out how to determine the last iteration before the blob is empty.
This is the script I'm using below to parse my files.
export default function parseFile(file, options) {
var opts = typeof options === 'undefined' ? {} : options;
var fileSize = file.size;
var chunkSize = typeof opts['chunk_size'] === 'undefined' ? 64 * 1024 : parseInt(opts['chunk_size']);
var binary = typeof opts['binary'] === 'undefined' ? false : opts['binary'] == true;
var offset = 0;
var self = this; // we need a reference to the current object
var readBlock = null;
var chunkReadCallback = typeof opts['chunk_read_callback'] === 'function' ? opts['chunk_read_callback'] : function() {};
var chunkErrorCallback = typeof opts['error_callback'] === 'function' ? opts['error_callback'] : function() {};
var success = typeof opts['success'] === 'function' ? opts['success'] : function() {};
var onLoadHandler = function(evt) {
if (evt.target.result == "") {
console.log('Chunk empty, call finish');
if (evt.target.error == null) {
chunkReadCallback(evt.target.result, offset).then(function() {
offset += evt.target.result.length;
readBlock(offset, chunkSize, file);
} else {
if (offset >= fileSize) {
readBlock = function(_offset, _chunkSize, _file) {
var r = new FileReader();
var blob = _file.slice(_offset, _chunkSize + _offset);
console.log("blob size:", blob.size, "offset:", _offset, "C+S:",_chunkSize + _offset)
r.onload = onLoadHandler;
if (binary) {
} else {
readBlock(offset, chunkSize, file);