Keep CMD open after BAT file executes

2019-01-10 06:58发布


I have a bat file like this:


That will print out the ip info to the screen, but before the user can read that info CMD closes it's self.

I believe that CMD assumes the script has finished, so it closes.

How do I keep CMD open after the script is finished? Thanks!


Depending on how you are running the command, you can put /k after cmd to keep the window open.

cmd /k my_script.bat


Put pause at the end of your .BAT file.


just Add @pause at the end

Example :

@echo off

or u can also use :

cmd /k ipconfig


Just to clarify something that took me a little bit to understand after reading these responses...

You have to type (literally) "cmd /k" followed by your command. I, at first, thought that "cmd" was to be replaced by your command. Not the case!

For instance I was trying to run java command...

cmd /k java myPackage.myClass

It kept the window open so I could see my "System.out.println()" messages.

I hope this clarification saves someone the approximately 3.5 minutes it took me to figure it out.


Adding pause in (Windows 7) to the end did not work for me
but adding the cmd /k in front of my command did work.

Example :

cmd /k gradlew cleanEclipse


start cmd /k did the magic for me. I actually used it for preparing cordova phonegap app it runs the command, shows the result and waits for the user to close it. Below is the simple example

start cmd /k echo Hello, World!

What I did use in my case

start cmd /k cordova prepare


You could even have a title for this by using

start "My Title" echo Hello, World!


If you are starting the script within the command line, then add exit /b to keep CMD opened


javac -d C:\xxx\lib\ -classpath C:\xxx\lib\ *.java

cmd cd C:\xxx\yourbat.bat

the second command make your cmd window not be closed. The important thing is you still able to input new command


In Windows add '& Pause' to the end of your command in the file.