value ! is not a member of akka.routing.Router

2019-05-21 13:17发布


I've been working on getting some Akka examples up and running and have run into an issue that is giving me quite a bit of trouble. What's so strange to me is that there is code coming straight out of the documentation that isn't working.

import akka.routing.{ ActorRefRoutee, RoundRobinRoutingLogic, Router, Broadcast }

object TransformationManager {
  case class ProcessFile(fileIt:Iterator[String])
  case class ProcessLines(lines:List[List[String]], last:Boolean = false)
  case class LinesProcessed(lines:List[List[String]], last:Boolean = false)

  case object WorkAvailable
  case object WorkRequest

class TransformationManager extends Actor {
  import TransformationManager._

  val workChunkSize = 10
  val workersCount = 10

 def receive = {
   case ProcessFile(fileIt) => 
   var router = {
    val routees = Vector.fill(workersCount) {
      val r = context.actorOf(Props[SampleWorker])
      context watch r
    Router(RoundRobinRoutingLogic(), routees)
   router ! Broadcast(WorkAvailable) //error here !!!!!!!!!

On the last line of code,

router ! Broadcast(WorkAvailable)

I get the error,

value ! is not a member of akka.routing.Router

I'm at a loss for why this isn't working.


There's no ! on Router. You use router.route to send a message.

router.route(msg, sender())


Referring to docs router could be an actor and then ! should work, but it doesn't have to be, depends how you create it. Read more here:

标签: scala akka