I'm using the wonderful plugin Leaflet.Control.Search in order to search for markers (from a geoJson marker group) on my map – which works great.
I only have one simple question now: how can I open a popup for the search result marker? I'm using custom marker icons with popups (which open on click) already bound to them – but I would like to open the respective popup automatically once it has been found via the search.
My code looks like this:
var searchControl = new L.Control.Search({layer: markers2, propertyName: 'Name', circleLocation:true});
searchControl.on('search_locationfound', function(e) {
}).on('search_collapsed', function(e) {
map.addControl( searchControl ); //inizialize search control
and thought it might work with that line:
but unfortunately it doesn't.. ;)
Oh, and a second question: at the moment I'm searching only in 1 geoJson layer ("markers2") – does anyone know whether it's possible to search in multiple layers at once?
Any suggestions? I'd be grateful for any help, thanks in advance!