Google Drive: Move file to folder

2019-05-21 12:19发布


I want to understand the moveFileToFolder script that is listed as an example when you select google drive scripts (click "Start Scripting" then select "Drive" option in "Create script for" menu)

The code is below. My question is how would I alter this code so that it could be used to move the file "Austin" into the folder "Texas"? This is presuming that the file "Austin" is a google doc which is currently sitting in my main google drive file list and the folder "Texas" is also currently sitting in my main google drive list.

There are a few other posts regarding moving files in drive and I understand the main concepts but I can't seems to successfully procure the file or folder ID's. Any help greatly appreciated?

 * This script moves a specific file from one parent folder to another.
 * For more information on interacting with files, see
function moveFileToFolder(fileId, targetFolderId) {
  var targetFolder = DocsList.getFolderById(targetFolderId);
  var file = DocsList.getFileById(fileId);


now I had the same task and used this code:

  var file = DriveApp.getFileById(fileId)
  var folder = DriveApp.getFolderById(folderId); 


Check out function getFolderByName in to see how to get folder ID by its name. For files the principle is the same.


function addDocToPublic() {
// Create random filename
var fn = "doc" + Math.floor(10000 * Math.random()) + ".doc";
// Create file with very MIME TYPE and return file ID
var fh = DriveApp.createFile(fn, "Das ist das " + fn + " Testfile", MimeType.MICROSOFT_WORD);
// Get first/next Iterator ID ( = folder ID) for Folder (with name PUBLIC)
var fid = DriveApp.getFoldersByName("PUBLIC").next();
// Copy File to Folder (using file and folder IDs
// Remove Source File

... maybe that way ...