I am working on a project .jsp file, that displays 4 kml layers: gas pipes, gas sensors, valves, and areas.
The problem is that I want to extract data from the placemark's description and use it, but when I click the placemark, sometimes it works, other it doesn't. And I simply can't see why..
I have created a JSFiddle example of my code. I've added 2 kml layers, one for pipes and one for sensors. Each pipe has multiple sensors( or at least one). I added the layers one after the other on metadata change to be sure of layer order consistency. I added 2 click listeners for both layers that extract the description and I process the string and extract what I need, to display in a separate div as text.
Sometimes when I click the sensors or pipes the data is extracted, other times it says it's not found(string undefined). I get the status = "ZERO_RESULTS". According to Google, this may occur if the geocoder was passed a latlng in a remote location. I looked at the log and the latlog has more than 9 numbers after the dot(.), wheras in my kml I only have 6.
But this isn't the problem i guess because sometimes, although the latlng coord are very accurate,( >9 chars after the dot) the placemark is found and the info I need is extracted. It's just hit or miss.
Can someone explain to my why this is happening?
JSFiddle link: http://jsfiddle.net/sxNy9/185/light/
KML files: - https://sites.google.com/site/kmlholdersherb/BrasovLayer_TeziGaz.kml?attredirects=0&d=1 - https://sites.google.com/site/kmlholdersherb/BrasovLayer_Senzori.kml?attredirects=0&d=1
Included the kml layers:
var PIPES= new google.maps.KmlLayer({url: 'URL HERE', preserveViewport:true});
var SENSORS= new google.maps.KmlLayer({url: 'URL HERE', preserveViewport:true });
After that I added them to the map.
And now the listeners.
google.maps.event.addListener(SENSORS, 'click', function(kmlEvent) {
var text = kmlEvent.featureData.name;
var str = kmlEvent.featureData.description;
var x = str.indexOf(".");
var y = str.indexOf(":");
var street= str.substring(y+2,x);
var a = str.indexOf("#");
var ID = str.substring(a+1,str.length);
var finaltext = street+ " " + ID;
showInContentWindow(finaltext); // adding the string into html ( aka the result)
And then another listener for PIPES, which is identical.