How can I send and receive multiple inputs using Runtime.getRunTime.exec().
For example if I wanted to run something such as openSSL to generate a csr, it will ask for things such as state, city, common name.. and so on.
Process p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(cmd);
OutputStream out = p.getOutputStream();
//print stuff p.getInputStream();
//Now i want to send some inputs
//flush and close??? don't know what to do here
//print what ever is returned
//Now i want to send some more inputs
//print what ever is returned.. and so on until this is complete
why not use p.getInputStream() to read what you need to send while
using out.write() to send data accordingly.
Process p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(cmd);
OutputStream out = p.getOutputStream();
//print stuff p.getInputStream();
out.close(); //if i don't close, it will just sit there
//print stuff p.getInputStream();
out.write("test".getBytes()); // I can no longer write at this point, maybe because the outputstream was closed?
why not use p.getInputStream().read()
to read what you need to send while using out.write()
to send data accordingly.
here is an example taken from:
String line;
OutputStream stdin = null;
InputStream stderr = null;
InputStream stdout = null;
// launch EXE and grab stdin/stdout and stderr
Process process = Runtime.getRuntime ().exec ("/folder/exec.exe");
stdin = process.getOutputStream ();
stderr = process.getErrorStream ();
stdout = process.getInputStream ();
// "write" the parms into stdin
line = "param1" + "\n";
stdin.write(line.getBytes() );
line = "param2" + "\n";
stdin.write(line.getBytes() );
line = "param3" + "\n";
stdin.write(line.getBytes() );
// clean up if any output in stdout
BufferedReader brCleanUp =
new BufferedReader (new InputStreamReader (stdout));
while ((line = brCleanUp.readLine ()) != null) {
//System.out.println ("[Stdout] " + line);
// clean up if any output in stderr
brCleanUp =
new BufferedReader (new InputStreamReader (stderr));
while ((line = brCleanUp.readLine ()) != null) {
//System.out.println ("[Stderr] " + line);