So I've been trying for this for a couple of days, trying to figure out how to use Facebook's Graph API v2.2 to get mutual friends between two users. I understand that I can only get the mutual friends between two users that are using the FB App and that's cool.
The app has the following approved items:
- public_profile
- user_birthday
- user_friends
- user_hometown
- user_location
- user_relationships
- user_website
My scenario is this:
- A user (user A) register to the FB App
- Another user (user B) registers
- User A looks at the user B's profile
- The profile should display the mutual friends between the two users
I've tried to play around in the Graph API Explorer
These just returns an ID field with the ID I provided and nothing else.
I'm all out ideas, and the docs isn't helping much either. Can someone explain how to do it? I will be using it in an Angular app but as long as I can get the URL to fetch the correct thing I can translate it into Javascript.