I am new to Symfony2 and facing this problem while generating my Admin Panel.
An exception during the rendering of a template ("The block type sonata.Admin.block.admin_list does not exist") in SonataAdminBundle:Core:dashboard.html.twig at line 35
Can anyone please guide me, I'll be Grateful. I am following this documentation Sonata Admin Bundle.
You have to specify all blocks in app/config/config.yml:
default_contexts: [cms]
contexts: [admin]
Yes All these are already specified in config.yml file, still i am facing that error.
But when i comment that statement in SonataAdminBundle:Core:dashboard.html.twig at line 35 it works fine. i don't get any error.
Plus i am unable to get my CRUD functionality for my entity in admin panel, admin panel has been generate without any error.