First - I know private frameworks/APIs won't get me to the AppStore, this is for private use/research only.
I can't get my project to compile with ChatKit.framework
Basically I need to somehow init a CKDBMessage
object and get stuff from it.
The first approach I tried is to be able to call this:
CKDBMessage* msg = [[CKDBMessage alloc] initWithRecordID:lastID];
NSLog(@"GOT SMS: %@", msg.text);
I couldn't get it to compile with any combination of these solutions:
- Simply add only
to my project - Add all the headers of
- Add also
file itself
I have the headers and the framework file in Headers
folder and I tried adding any/all of these build settings, both on recursive/non-recursive:
- Framework Search Paths ->
- Header Search Paths ->
- User Header Search Paths ->
Always Search User Paths is always on YES
The second thing I tried was to do everything at runtime, this is what I have:
Class CKDBMessage = NSClassFromString(@"CKDBMessage");// objc_getClass("CKDBMessage");
SEL sel = @selector(initWithRecordID:);
NSMethodSignature *signature = [CKDBMessage methodSignatureForSelector:sel];
NSInvocation *invocation = [NSInvocation invocationWithMethodSignature:signature];
invocation.selector = sel;
[invocation setArgument:&lastID atIndex:2];
[invocation invoke];
NSObject * msgWeak = [CKDBMessage alloc];
[invocation getReturnValue:&msgWeak];
NSObject *msg = msgWeak;
NSString *text = [msg performSelector:@selector(text)];
NSLog(@"text: %@", text);
Here I crash at invocationWithMethodSignature:
because NSClassFromString returns nil instead of the class...
Any ideas on any of the two approaches?
This is for nonjailbroken, iOS8(.2), using Xcode6