
Ruby on Rails PubNub subscribe as separate process

2019-05-21 06:17发布


I was consider using PubNub on my website.

In turn, I can subscribe to channels with PubNub.

However, I need to find a way to run a script that subscribes to channels with PubNub.

For example, according to their documentation http://www.pubnub.com/blog/ruby-push-api , it states "To listen for published messages, call the subscribe function. It is important to note: the subscribe function is blocking. You will want to run this function in a separate process."

Then PubNub provides the following code:

 ## Subscribe (Listen for Messages)
'channel ' => 'my_channel',
'callback' => lambda do |message|
    ## Message Received!!!
    puts(message['my_var']) ## print message
    return true             ## keep listening?

I cannot think of a way to run this function as a "process."

Isn't there something like background jobs? Is this what I would need?

Appreciate any guidance.


The best way to get started with this (at this time) is to use the Ruby EventMachine async HTTP request method and the PubNub HTTP REST API.

  1. EventMachine::Protocols::HttpClient2 -> http://eventmachine.rubyforge.org/EventMachine/Protocols/HttpClient2.html
  2. PubNub HTTP REST API -> http://www.pubnub.com/tutorial/http-rest-push-api

    conn = EM::Protocols::HttpClient2.connect 'pubsub.pubnub.com', 80
    req  = conn.get('/subscribe/SUBSCRIBE_KEY/CHANNEL/0/TIMETOKEN')

Note that this is not a full example, but a good starting point... You must follow the HTTP REST Guide.