I have a date field in a T-SQL variable which I want to convert to Julian Date Format and then insert in to a Numeric
column in a table. Can someone please help?
I saw there are some posts on Julian Date but I am not able to get through.
EX :
declare @d datetime
Set @d = GetDate()
select datediff(d, 0, @d) + 693596
The above statement does convert in to a julian date but not in the correct format. For example if today is 15 Feb 2014 then this should convert this in to 114046 but it converts this to 735279.
Also once this gets converted to correct julian format. I want to convert this to Numeric as I want to insert to a numeric
column in a table.
I am sorry if this question has been asked previously. I am new to SQL Server 2005.
Any help will be appreciated
Give this a go:
SELECT @input_date = getdate()
SELECT datepart(year, @input_date) * 1000 + datepart(dy, @input_date)
The above answer doesn't seem to work for me.
--If Julian Format is defined as CYYJJJ where:
-- C is the number of centuries since 1900-01-01
-- YY is the 2 digit year
-- JJJ is the day number of the given YY year
--Convert Date => Julian uning CYYJJJ
declare @date datetime = '02/15/2014'
select (datepart(year, @date)-1900)*1000 + datepart(dy, @date)
--output: 114046
--Convert Julian => Date using CYYJJJ
declare @jdate int = 114046
select dateadd(dd, (@jdate - ((@jdate/1000) * 1000)) - 1, dateadd(yy, @jdate/1000 - 1900, 0))
--output: '02/15/2014'
--Convert Date => Julian uning YYYYJJJ
declare @dateB datetime = '02/15/2014'
select (datepart(year, @dateB))*1000 + datepart(dy, @dateB)
--output: 114046
--Convert Julian => Date using YYYYJJJ
declare @jdateB int = 2014046
select dateadd(dd, (@jdateB - ((@jdateB/1000) * 1000)) - 1, dateadd(yy, @jdateB/1000 - 1900, 0))
--output: '02/15/2014'
I would suggest putting that into a Scalar Function so you can execute it like:
select dbo.FromJulianDate(2014046)
sourced from http://www.sqlservercentral.com/Forums/Topic778671-169-1.aspx
This should do what you are looking for:
SELECT CONCAT((DATEPART(year, @date) -1900),(DATEPART(dy, @date)))
The following will give an 7 character julian date output of: YYYYDDD
SELECT datepart(year, @input_date) * 1000 + datepart(dy, @input_date)
The following will give an 6 character julian date output output of: CYYDDD
SELECT CONCAT((DATEPART(year, @input_date) -1900),(DATEPART(dy, @input_date)))
Further explanation
- Julian dates start from 1900-01-01
- The C element is the century from 1900.
If the year is 1950, the C part will be 0
If the year is 2000, the C part will be 1 (and this increases with each 100 years)
- The DDD element reflects the number of days from the beginning of the
year so 28th February will be 058