I am a new member.
I have an error when send message using HTTP Post to "graph.facebook.com/v2.11/me/messages?access_token=MY_PAGE_TOKEN"
This is error return:
`{"error":{"message":"(#100) Tried accessing nonexisting field (messages) on node type (Page)","type":"OAuthException","code":100,"fbtrace_id":"EB39Xkxnf6O"}}`
Despite error, tester and developer still able to receive message. But the FB viewer might not and they not approve my review submission: "We did not receive an automated response when we messaged your Page. Bots should respond to all input from the user within 30 seconds so that the experience feels like a continuous conversation. Please ensure that your experience is functional before you resubmit."
The log show same error with FB viewer when server trying to response.
Any help. Thanks a lot