I am trying to make a circular diffraction pattern, which has a central spot surrounded by a series of rings. It involves a Bessel integral to do it which is defined in the code.
My problems is that it takes too long like I waited 10 min for the code to run but didn't get anything to display. I understand it is because my Bessel integral has 1000 iterations per point can any one help with this ?
Am I on the right track?
I am trying to self teach myself python and computational physics via Mark Newmans book Computational Physics the exercise is 5.4 of Computational Physics.Here is a link to the chapter. It is on page 9. http://www-personal.umich.edu/~mejn/cp/chapters/int.pdf
Here is the Image I am trying to make.
My Code:
import numpy as np
import pylab as plt
import math as mathy
#N = number of slicices
#h = b-a/N
def J(m,x): #Bessel Integral
def f(theta):
return (1/mathy.pi)*mathy.cos(m*theta - x*mathy.sin(theta)) #I replaced np. with mathy. for this line
N = 1000
A = 0
h = ((b-a)/N)
for k in range(1,N,2):
A += 4*f(a + h*k)
for k in range(2,N,2):
A += 2*f(a + h*k)
Idx = (h/3)*(A + f(a)+f(b))
return Idx
def I(lmda,r): #Intensity
k = (mathy.pi/lmda)
return ((J(1,k*r))/(k*r))**2
wavelength = .5 # microm meters
I0 = 1
points = 500
sepration = 0.2
Intensity = np.empty([points,points],np.float)
for i in range(points):
y = sepration*i
for j in range(points):
x = sepration*j
r = np.sqrt((x)**2+(y)**2)
if r < 0.000000000001:
Intensity[i,j]= 0.5 #this is the lim as r -> 0, I -> 0.5
Intensity[i,j] = I0*I(wavelength,r)