I wish to call the GetBuildProperties task from my MSBuild script run on TFS. However, this script can be run on either TFS 2010 or TFS 2013. Is there a way to detect the version of TFS that has launched an MSBuild Script? At the moment, I am getting around the problem like so:
<CurrentProgramFiles Condition="$(CurrentProgramFiles) == ''">$(ProgramFiles)</CurrentProgramFiles>
<PropertyGroup Condition="$(TeamFoundationServerUrl)!='' and Exists('$(CurrentProgramFiles)\Microsoft Team Foundation Server 2010')">
<TeamBuildRefPath>$(CurrentProgramFiles)\Microsoft Team Foundation Server 2010\Tools</TeamBuildRefPath>
<PropertyGroup Condition="$(TeamFoundationServerUrl)!='' and Exists('$(CurrentProgramFiles)\Microsoft Team Foundation Server 12.0')">
<TeamBuildRefPath>$(CurrentProgramFiles)\Microsoft Team="" Foundation Server 12.0\Tools</TeamBuildRefPath>
Condition="$(TeamFoundationServerUrl)!=''" />