When starting up a confluent-dotnet consumer , after the call to subscribe and subsequent polling, it seems to take a very long time to receive the "Partition assigned" event from the server, and therefore messages (about 10-15sec).
At first I thought there was a auto topic creation overhead, but the time is the same whether the topic/consumer group of the consumer already exist or not.
I start my consumer with this config, the rest of the code is the same as in the confluent advanced consumer example :
var kafkaConfig = new Dictionary<string, object>
{"group.id", config.ConsumerGroup},
{"statistics.interval.ms", 60000},
{"fetch.wait.max.ms", 10},
{"bootstrap.servers", config.BrokerList},
{"enable.auto.commit", config.AutoCommit},
{"fetch.error.backoff.ms",1 },
{"socket.nagle.disable",true },
{"auto.commit.interval.ms", 5000},
"default.topic.config", new Dictionary<string, object>()
{"auto.offset.reset", "smallest"}
The kafka cluster consists of 3 low-mid spec machines in a remote datacenter with default settings. Is there a broker or client setting that can be tweaked to lower this startup time?
EDIT: assigning partitions myself with Assign instead of Subscribe results in startup time of around 2sec instead