Given the following class under test (and associated DTO class and interface):
public class Foo
private readonly IBar _bar;
public Foo(IBar bar) { _bar = bar; }
public void DoStuff()
var dto = new DTO();
dto.Num = 1;
dto.Num = 2;
public class DTO { public int Num { get; set; } }
public interface IBar { void Test(DTO dto); }
And this test method (which attempts to verify that IBar.Test() gets called twice: once with Num = 1 and once with Num = 2):
public void TestMethod1()
var bar = A.Fake<IBar>();
var foo = new Foo(bar);
A.CallTo(() => bar.Test(A<DTO>.That.Matches(x => x.Num == 1))).MustHaveHappened();
A.CallTo(() => bar.Test(A<DTO>.That.Matches(x => x.Num == 2))).MustHaveHappened();
The first 'MustHaveHappened' call fails. I have discovered that it is because the DTO used by both calls to IBar.Test() is the same instance. If I change the code to call IBar.Test() with two different DTO's it works as expected.
My question is: is this a bug in FakeItEasy or am I doing something wrong?