servr::jekyll() yields ready website, servr:rmdv2(

2019-05-21 02:33发布


I'm basing my rmarkdown-Jekyll-Blog off of Yihui's fantastic boilerplate for using servr::jekyll(), which in turn wraps knitr.

Because I want to use citations (via pandoc-citeproc, wrapped by rmarkdown) I need to use rmarkdown::render, not knitr to, well, render the *.mds.

As per the servr manual, I understand that rmdv2() should do the job, which essentially wraps/modifies jekyll():

The functions rmdv1() and rmdv2() are similar to jekyll(), and the only difference is the way to compile R Markdown documents: rmdv1() uses the markdown package (a.k.a R Markdown v1) via knit2html(), and rmdv2() calls render() in the rmarkdown package (a.k.a R Markdown v2).

Problem is:

jekyll() produces a nice website, here in the RStudio preview:

rmdv2(), however, on the exact same setup, does not work but yields:

I also checked that the rmarkdown file in question was ok, by rendering it through rmarkdown::render, and it looked ok as HTML:

What am I doing wrong?