for my master thesis I am currently working in a project that should exchange data between two arduino uno by means of a NFC communication p2p using SPI interface.
The shield is a NFC pn532 based, from Elechouse (NFC MODULE V3). Actually it could be the adafruit breakout board but the important thing is the pn532.
I am using this library and it works with arduino to android and android to arduino. According to the creator, It should work also for my purpose.
There's something that initiates the connection between Android and Arduino that is not happening between 2 Arduinos. Unfortunately I think it's something low level in SNEP or LLCP. All that's happening in the PN532 driver.
So here is the point: no one had achieved that, but I don´t think is something huge. I need to know what is missing between two arduino that is happening between arduino and android. The datasheet of PN532/C1 rev. 3.2 should help.
Anyone can help me in that?