navigate folders with python

2019-05-21 00:10发布


I have a folder ROOT and inside many different folders (let's assume N), that for sake of simplicity I call F1, F2 and so on...

I need to work with the file inside these folders. If I have only one folder I know that I can do:

os.chdir(".") #I'm workingo in ROOT
for filename in glob.glob("*.txt"):
    #I can work with the i-th file...

But what I need to do is something like this (pseudo-code like):

os.chdir(".") #I'm working in ROOT
for F-i-th in ROOT: #for each folder in the ROOT main folder
    for filename in F-i-th("*.txt"): #I select only the file with this extention
         #process data inside i-th file

I mean that I need to go inside the first folder (F1) and process all the file (or if it is possible all the .txt file), after I should go inside the F2 and process all the file....


os.walk will perform recursion of a directory and fnmatch.filter will match filename patterns. Simple example:

import os
import fnmatch

for path,dirs,files in os.walk('.'):
    for f in fnmatch.filter(files,'*.txt'):
        fullname = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(path,f))