Consume events from EventHub In Azure Databricks u

2019-05-21 00:10发布


I could see spark connectors & guidelines for consuming events from Event Hub using Scala in Azure Databricks.

But, How can we consume events in event Hub from azure databricks using pySpark?

any suggestions/documentation details would help. thanks


Below is the snippet for reading events from event hub from pyspark on azure data-bricks.

// With an entity path 
val with = "Endpoint=sb://SAMPLE;SharedAccessKeyName=KEY_NAME;SharedAccessKey=KEY;EntityPath=EVENTHUB_NAME"

# Source with default settings
connectionString = "Valid EventHubs connection string."
ehConf = {
  'eventhubs.connectionString' : connectionString

df = spark \
  .readStream \
  .format("eventhubs") \
  .options(**ehConf) \

readInStreamBody = df.withColumn("body", df["body"].cast("string"))