matlab java class path issue

2019-05-20 19:03发布


When I put classpaths into the static class path (ie put them in the classpath.txt file) program works. When I add it dynamically, I get an error that it can't find a properties file in the class path.

Here is what I have

javaaddpath('C:\exchsys\jars\exsystools.jar') javaaddpath('C:\exchsys\externaljars\log4j.jar') javaaddpath('C:\exchsys\externaljars\') javaaddpath('C:\apache-activemq-5.1.0\lib\commons-logging-1.1.jar')

plus my actual code

This leads to the following error: javax.naming.ConfigurationException: JMSUtilities.loadConfiguration(): Properties file "/" not found in the classpath.

The file it is looking for is a in the folder added through this line


When I put the same paths into the classpath.txt file it works fine. Any ideas?


Your experiencing issues concerning static vs dynamic classpath. A workaround for this issue is shown in this post by using in order to dynamically load java classes. You may check the other responses as well for further information.