Set transparent background of an imageview on Andr

2019-01-01 14:30发布


I am using a web view in which I am adding an image view. How can I set the background of this image view to transparent?

I have tried this:


Where trans<color name=\"trans\">#00000000 </color>.


In your XML set the Background attribute to any colour, White(#FFFFFF) shade or Black(#000000) shade. If you want transparency, just put 80 before the actual hash code:


This will change any colour you want to a transparent one.. :)


You can set the background transparent of any layout, any view, or any component by adding this code in XML:



In addition to what Harshad mentioned:

Two hexadecimal characters can be appended to any hexadecimal color code. The first two characters in an 8-digit hex color code represents its opacity in Android.

The two hexadecimal characters can range from 00 to FF. For example,

  • Normal opaque black hex- \"#000000\"
  • Fully transparent - \"#00000000\"
  • Fully opaque - \"#FF000000\"
  • 50% transparent - \"#7F000000\"

This way you can change any color to any level of transparency.

To find the hexadecimal prefix from a percentage:

Divide the percentage number by 100 and multiply by 255 to get the decimal value. Convert the decimal to hexadecimal here.

For example, for 50%, 50/100 * 255 = 127. Using the link we get hexadecimal value 7F.

Source: Android: how to create a transparent or opaque background


If you want to add 20% or 30% transparency, you should pre-pend two more characters to the hexadecimal code, like CC.


android:background=\"#CCFF0088\" in XML

where CC is the alpha value, FF is the red factor, 00 is the green factor, and 88 is the blue factor.

Some opacity code:

Hex Opacity Values

100% — FF
95% — F2
90% — E6
85% — D9
80% — CC
75% — BF
70% — B3
65% — A6
60% — 99
55% — 8C
50% — 80
45% — 73
40% — 66
35% — 59
30% — 4D
25% — 40
20% — 33
15% — 26
10% — 1A
5%  — 0D
0% —  00

You can also set opacity programmatically like:


Set opacity between 0 (fully transparent) to 255 (completely opaque). The 127.5 is exactly 50%.

You can create any level of transparency using the given formula. If you want half transparent:

 16 |128          Where 128 is the half of 256.
    |8 -0         So it means 80 is half transparent.

And for 25% transparency:

16 |64            Where 64 is the quarter of 256.
   |4 -0          So it means 40 is quarter transparent.


Use the below code for black:

<color name=\"black\">#000000</color>

Now if you want to use opacity then you can use the below code:

<color name=\"black\">#99000000</color>

And the below for opacity code:

100% — FF

95% — F2

90% — E6

85% — D9

80% — CC

75% — BF

70% — B3

65% — A6

60% — 99

55% — 8C

50% — 80

45% — 73

40% — 66

35% — 59

30% — 4D

25% — 40

20% — 33

15% — 26

10% — 1A

5% — 0D

0% — 00


There is already a predefined constant. Use Color.TRANSPARENT.


There is already a transparent built into Android: R.color.transparent.

But I think you may want to make the background of the image that you are placing into the WebView transparent, for example, with a transparent PNG, rather than the ImageView background. If the actual image is not at all see-through then the ImageView background can\'t be seen through it.


use this code for transparent color



In case you want it in code, just:



Or, as an alternate, parse the resource ID with the following code:



For those who are still facing this problem, you may try this


One more simple way:



Use the following for complete transparency:


When I tried with #80000000 I got a black transparent overlay which I don\'t want. Try to change the first two digits; it controls the level of transparency, like



In your XML file, set an attribute \"Alpha\"

such as

android:alpha=\"0.0\" // for transparent
android:alpha=\"1.0\" // for opaque

You can give any value between 0.0 to 1.0 in decimal to apply the required transparency. For example, 0.5 transparency is ideal for disabled component


Try this code :)

Its an fully transparent hexa code - \"#00000000\"


Another working option I came across is to set android:background=\"@null\"


You could also use View.setAlpha(float) to change the visibility precisely.

0 would be transparent, 1 fully visible. ;)


In Android Studio it is very simple to adjust color and opacity using a built-in tool:



If you use a drawable XML image you can make it transparent as shown in the picture below, or you can use a color code:

<color name=\"black\">#99000000</color> 



Try to use the following code. It will help you in full or more.

  1. A .xml file designed to use this code to set background color:





    Or you can set it programmatically as well.

  2. Also you can use this code programmatically:

  3. Also this code for setting the background color as well programmatically:

  4. This code for the same programmatically:


The color depends on your choice of which color you want to use for transparent. Mostly use a white or #FFFFFF color.

Regarding R.drawable.llabackground: This line of code is for your style of the background, like something special or different for your purpose. You can also use this.





ImageView.setAlpha(125); // transparency


Try this:


For transparency 000000 = black, you can change these six numbers for the color you want.