In my hyperledger-composer application, access control rules with a condition of the following type:
(r.someArray.indexOf(p.getIdentifier()) > -1)
do not work.
Here is an example of such an ACL-rule:
rule SuperiorsHaveReadAccessToTheirTeamMembers {
description: "Allow superiors read access to data on their team members"
participant(p): ""
operation: READ
resource(r): ""
condition: (r.superiors.indexOf(p.getIdentifier()) > -1)
action: ALLOW
for clarification:
participant Employee extends User {
o String company optional
--> Employee[] superiors optional
So the access control rule above simply states that Employee A has READ Access to Employee B if and only if Employee B's array-attribute "superiors" contains Employee A (i.e. if Employee A is the superior of Employee B).
However, it doesn't work. Employee A does not have READ access to Employee B. All the other access control rules of this kind do not work either.
Is this a bug in hyperledger-composer?