Through an API call, I get GEOJSON data (points) . I immediately display that data in the leaflet map by using circleMaker and display them all to be one color. I then give the user the option to slide a slider ( triggers action with payload being the slider value/location). What I want to do is change the color of some circles ( i.e one those who have an attribute that is lower that the slider value). How can I do this without re-rendering all circles?
Example: ( all circles are green and slider value is at 0, I then change the slider to 4 and all the circles that have a value (that I get from the GEOJSON features) lower than 4 ( slider value) change color to red, and the rest stay the same.
Sample Code: I have a GEOJSON component:
data= {this.props.countrySelected.geojson}
^ The data is a GEOJSON object with all points that have a feature of lets say "score"
Here is pointToLayer:
pointToLayer = (feature, latlng) => {
return L.circleMarker(latlng, {
color: '#228B22',
fillColor: '#228B22',
fillOpacity: .6,
radius: 3
In another component I have a slider that calls handleChange everytime it is changed:
handleChange = (value) => {
This then triggers an action, that then triggers a reducer that makes the adequate changes to the state ( i.e. it makes the state slider value change to the value in the slider that the user just changed.